OENOBIOL®歐諾美 SUN EXPERT 30s 高效防曬抗光老美肌配方30粒
- 包裝:30粒
- 功能:能有效抵禦光老化,全身防曬,同時提供抗氧化美肌功效。
- 產地:法國 France
此配方更榮獲法國美妝界奧斯卡獎「Victoires de la Beauté」殊榮。
每日1次,每次1粒 (須注意請勿超出每日建議劑量) ,建議連續服用 3個效果作為一個療程週期。並建議於旅行前後持續服用,以達到更佳效果。
此產品不能代替防曬產品, 請謹記作適當防曬保護,以免曬傷。
1 capsule per day ( It is advisable to follow the daily dose indicated). Recommended to consume at least 3 months, during and after vacation to maximize the benefits.
Does not protect against sunburn, remember to use appropriate sun protection.
植物油(葵花籽)、番茄萃取物、水分保持劑 (E422) 、膠凝劑 ( E1440, E407)、葡萄萃取物、乳化劑 (E471)、 D-α-生育酚 (維他命E)、淨化水、葉黃素、色素 (E101) 、甘氨酸銅 、亞硒酸鈉
如本身有任何病況,孕婦或授乳人士服用前,請向醫生查詢 。
Nutritional supplements should be used as part of a varied, balanced diet and healthy lifestyle.
For adults only. Stop using immediately should any allergic reactions or illness occur.
People under medical supervision, pregnant or nursing women should seek advice from their doctor before taking a dietary supplement.
儲存: 請存放於陰涼乾燥處。避免陽光直射。請存放於兒童不能接觸的地方。
Storage: Store in a cool dry place. Avoid direct sunlight. Keep out of reach of children.